Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's all in the news

The good news :- My hostel room is just next to the pantry which means nearby access for drinking water

The bad news :- The water is light brownish/ yellowish?? gross ..

The "exciting" news :- Research must be done within a week. woohoo, just my type of assignment

The best news :- I finally finally finally am legal to pose like Jay did in Initial D

The worst news :- It's 2 am and I'm awake. I target to wake 5 hours later

The weepy news :- I miss my holidays ! T.T .. it's been least than 24 hours since school starts for me!

The angry news :- Our Capricorns are not here yet! I hope Jenn Jie will blast their ear drums off over the phone

The current news :- I'm off to bed