I will be back on the 3rd!
Wish me luck for the presentation tomorrow!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Posted by
10:34 PM
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The end of 2008
Hey peeps
Today would be the last day of 2008. It's the end of another year! Year 2009 would be another year of hope and love. I had thought of blogging about my 2008 but I am pretty busy with the interactive installation right now @.@
I won't be going countdowning tonight, instead I am staying in and chillin with the family. How bout you?
I want to meet my old friends so after Jan 2nd I would be free, sorta. Come book me , go shopping and sing k. I can't wait!
Posted by
8:53 PM
Labels: Rant
Friday, December 26, 2008
My 2008 Christmas
How was your Christmas?
Mine was touring the second home :- Sunway Pyramid
Our initial plan was to go bowling but there was some junior competition going on until the 28th. Disappointed la but what to do ..
Want to watch movie also dunno what to watch cause we didn't plan at homeEr .. pink Christmas tree ?? Although it looks like a lump of something ..
We had our lunch at Poppa Rich .. The sister's nasi lemak ..
Auntie's fried keow teow
Grandma's fook chok keow teow .. which was suppose to be mine but we mixed up!
Overflowing soya cincau drink .. looks like ice cream float
Cousin Eve just had a plate of fries
This was suppose to be my grandma's food ! Damn chickens .. I don't like bone bone chicken. RAWR !
The brother's combo of fish and chips and fried rice
The food was just alright .. then we spent the whole day just mini shopping .. nothing huge eventhough year end sale was going on..
Dad promised we would be shopping in a day or two *silent whoop* Awesome Christmas tree .. very very pretty!
Simple cone shaped Christmas tree, I guessed?
There was this little event where a magician clown was entertaining people..
I didn't even dare to snap his photo just in case he sees me and calls me onstage
I hate clowns because I'm scared of them ..
reminded me of that movie the clown eats kids .. I watched it when I was 9 and I was traumatized ever since .. grrr .. clown After the clown left, I managed to snap the very pretty stage .. see, got two jack in the box ..
That was my Christmas .. with nothing achieved le ..
Bowling = occupied by pro bowlers
Movie = everyone cannot make up their mind
Karaoke = RM 30 ++ for each person!
The end part , coming to home sweet home ! Ahhh ~~
K la, wanna go eat red beans de :D
Posted by
4:13 PM
Labels: Occasion
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
No longer a virgin
My first ever independent individual Starbucks. It's not even coffee !
How pathetic for you but how yeay! for me .. :D
Posted by
4:36 PM
Labels: One word
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Goodbye dear baby
She went away ..
My dear bu zhe tao ran away de ..
I always thought she was a very clever cat but the other day I saw her trying to poo in the garden and in order to prevent the process, I splash a little water on her. She ran out and never returned for an hour.
After that, she came back and I was happy all over again. It was then we thought maybe we could train her by not letting her in the house, then maybe we can keep her outside as a pet.
First of all, we thought of watering her when she tried to come in the house so that she would learn that this is a bad behaviour. The sister did it twice and then she disappeared. Maybe she really hate this method.
Last heard, someone took her away and place her somewhere else. I kinda miss her and her constant meowing at my door. Her box, water and string are still here because I kept hoping she might return soon.
She is such an intelligent cat, yesterday we placed her at the back alley of the house and within seconds, she had ran back to the front.
If she's being kept as a pet now, I hope she's happy. I hope she will enjoy her life. I just don't want her to be cold, hungry and bullied by other cats or anyone.
Posted by
11:39 PM
Labels: Memories
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Finding home to stay
Two days ago, something small came to my house. I couldn't take my eyes off her, I think it's a her. She is so friendly to me.
I cannot keep her though. I think she belonged to someone else but she's been wandering around my house, purring, meowing and crying for attention.
Anyone want to adopt her? I really don't want to place her elsewhere because she's not just a stray and I am afraid she might be too homey and get run down by cars.
She comes constantly to my door, which is cat proof and meow and purr and beg for us to pay attention to her. She rubs herself on the grill, being all sweet and cute. How could you resist such an adorable creature? Somehow she managed to get in the house, after learning for two days and now we have to cat proof our cat proof door.
This afternoon, she took nap on one of the old newspaper. I tried not to wake her up because she makes a fuss when she wakes up, meowing and begging for food and human companion.
Maybe she stayed because I fed her, I fed her quality crackers but that's because I don't want her to starve and also because I cannot stand her meows and cries of hunger. We named her 不知到 , [bu zhi tao] translation :- dunno
Everytime she sees me, she tries to climb and I have to shut the door in her face. It pains me to do so every single time I checked on her. It's such a windy night tonight and I am not allowed to bring her in. Just because if I bring her in, I'm afraid of giving her false hope that she finally found a home.
She trails and runs after me whenever I stepped out. She comes and sit by me when I sit outside. Obviously she's very comfortable with human contact.
Anyone who loves cats or has a space in your home and heart for this little kitty?? Please, I really want to find a perfect little home for her. I don't want her to beg me anymore because I am really forbidden from having a furry companion.
Posted by
8:20 PM
Labels: Show n Tell
Monday, December 15, 2008
Messed up calendar
Why my uni so weird holiday timing? *pull hair out*
It's December! Christmas time! Jingle bells, jingle bells !
Okay, I don't celebrate Christmas but still, the holiday spirit is here !
I'm looking forward to 2009 cause I believe it will be a better year now that I have a faith to hold on to
I have a project until end of the month :(
which means I need to divide fun time
and it doesn't help that I'm addicted to pet society trading
My grandma is here, my cousins are coming down
I have plans to go sing k with baby cousins.. dunno how many of them yet
I have to see Za before she shoo off to study again
Then to top it all up, year end sale ..
And dad want to plan a holiday .. go anywhere also never mind la ..
I hope my schedule won't get in the way la .. mafan
Everyone is on break now and I'm still assignment-ing
Why timing so weird one?
Next time when I send my kids to a particular uni,
Have to make sure end of the year got holiday ..
Sigh .. I need to rant .. and need a nap now ..
I really want a k session .. *sleep*
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: Rant
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sweet nothings
Thanks for everything but I know something that has been said will leave a scar and fear to you, you must have thought that I am fooling you around but I am not. I regretted my bad habit now.. I thought all the things I did is ok as long as you accept me but I was wrong. But now I realize, I must change for you or at least to myself, I should not had hurt you just now.. I love you dear, right now I am more worried than you. I lost almost everything now with just some words and I broke my promise I never know it mean so much that I should change for you. I had forgotten about how you called me when I was upset or angry and now it took me so long to sms you back. I really hope that you can be by my side again. It is foolish to take down what we had built all these while. Dear, please forgive me. I will fight my own battle and you shall be my purpose.
- 4 am -
- 24 Enero (dos cero cero seis) -
somehow this note made me inspired to write chapter 22 right now .. :)
Posted by
4:16 PM
Labels: Rant
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I'm not a nerd, shut up!
I'm going book shopping after this semester project is done! I need to indulge myself with a good read.. gah, I miss reading and writing. Chapter 22 is not even drafted yet ..
My genre of books are of course chic lit and romances. I dunno why but since I was 12, I was already leaning to these genres. I'm the kind of girl who believes in romance... from Danielle Steel to Jane Green and The little black dress collection.
Not only that, I am also the kind of girl who likes to explore my roots. That is why my previous projects had been heavily influenced by this :- like my story of four dragons flash last year. Seems like I'm also a nature thinking person, whenever any idea needs to be done to reach out to the media, the first thought are the animals and such
Back to the oriental interest, that is why I have a few AsiaPac book telling me stories about how the chinese festivals come about, chinese names etc etc and I'm willing to add another one of this genre into my collection.
" Don't sit on this book" by Philip Cheong
It's a full book about chinese taboos and of course, the title of the book attracted me to it.
I also discover that I am pretty much interested in self help book, particularly those girl power or boy girl stuff "What makes women happy" by Fay Weldon
I think because of my interest of getting deep into the characters of what I am writing, I tend to like to 'study' further into the subject...
and of course, the ever famous book "Why Mars and Venus collide" by John Gray
I'm so going to book shop next month, after this project is done!
Posted by
10:26 PM
Labels: Fun stuff
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Best instant noodle
Seems like Tuesday night is a Mi Sedaaap night for me..
i think i prefer this rather than Maggie Mee but maybe because I always take Maggie Noodle ..
I always rinse the noodle twice before actually cooking it ..
just to clear the wax that sticks the noodle together .. look closely and you can see the color it brought to the water .. yellowish
quite huge portion .. worth my 80 cent per packet :)
this time I tried the Sambal version .. since last week I tried the onion one de ..
a few ingredient to put in and mix mix mix .. ta-da ! end result .. it was pretty good .. except that I had soaked the noodle too long, hence the soft noodles ..
and today I came home to a home made cupcake from my sister although she claimed she baked it .. I knew she had help
*yawn* time to sleep.. :) good night
Posted by
12:53 AM
Labels: Show n Tell
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Split in two
Last weekend was quite a battle for me :- to go here or there?
I had to meet my fellow lepakers from JcNet but I also have Student Division Day in Cheras Kaikan.
Thought I know deep in my heart that if I don't get to see the lepakers, I would have a tinge of regret in me but dad won't allow me to go to Times Square alone.
At the last min, I managed to get my nocturnal cousin to come with mesee, got smart invitation some more .. I will feel guilty if I don't go to Cheras
but I managed to get to times square by 12:45 pm
found the girls by 1:10 pm perhaps?
and treat my cousin to lunch , if only he had come with an empty stomach
I brought him to Gasoline Cafe because the last time I had lunch with Ah Poh there was quite okay but last Sunday, it was not ok at all.
We pressed the service button thrice for menu, no one answered
My food was hard, tasted like cardboard Cardboard with rice .. yucks
and The Cousin had a teeny weeny plate of fried tempura squid which cost RM 1 each
The Virgin Honeymoon drink was not soothing .. crazy sour
The Cousin attempting a middle finger
Anyways, leaving Imbi at 2:45 pm to Hang Tuah switching to Ampang Line at LRT Star to head to Maluri
By the time we were lost and Eve had to get us and we get to auntie's car and arrived in Kaikan, it was 3:55 pm
Meeting was from 1:30 pm - 5 pm . Punctual much?
Anyways, last Sunday I did not buy anything except the lunch and travel fee. First time ok! Maybe cause after Jay's Capricorn, there is nothing else that I want anymore :)
Oh yeah, Eve finished her SPM today!
We made a promise to go sing k but then again, I have sing k plan with Ally and Wasila too. Then there's Jerome. All unschedule and unconfirmed date and time.
I need to start saving, this sem is gonna squeeze me dry and it will be a hectic rush.
Posted by
6:01 PM
Labels: Occasion
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Kena tagged by Shyan
Tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box or anyway that he/she has been tagged.
1. What is it that bothers you the most?
* decision making
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
* reading, writing , blogging, singing
3. What kind of news do you read?
* the newspaper
4. What is your ultimate wish?
* err ... I cannot think of any right now
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
* not a particular someone
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
* as evil as money is , no
7. Are you afraid of pain ?
* yes
8. What do you feel like doing right now?
* chill
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
* yes
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
* she loves her dar dar , got selected for NS and just finished school
11.What is your 6 most passionate thing at this moment?
* family
* jay
* writing
* chic lit
* lyrics
* driving
12.What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
* there's a lot of quality
13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
* potato?
14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
* i could have both
15. What's your plan now?
* tomorrow
16. How do you see yourself in 5 years time?
* I will be 26 .... oh no!
17. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
* how i dare to be myself
18. If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world, what would it be?
* my smelly pillow hehe
19. Use one word to describe yourself.
* just like shyan, i am unique
I tag..
* YunYi
* Sim Ai
* Ally
* Juju
* Karen
* Poh Wei
* Joanne
* Katherine
Posted by
5:58 PM
Labels: Survey
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sweet kisses
I was sitting across him and he looked dull, uninterested and bored. There were color pencils all over the floor and I picked them up, one by one putting them together in a small round pencil holder container. When it was almost full, I continued stuffing more pencils in them. I began a rhythm, I pulled a pencil out slowly and slide it back into the container, repeatedly, all this while looking at him with a smile .
I watched his expression, turning from dull to a very interested look. I smiled at the satisfaction that I managed to turn him on. I love being a tease. Before anything happened though, there was some loud commotion coming from the living room. We rushed out and from the back view of the couch, we saw two of our friends naked on the couch making out. Although we could only see from the upper shoulder but they were certainly sitting there, making out as our other friends watched in suprise.
I am not sure what came over me but he standing next to me, he standing so close and looking so suprised made me grabbed his hand and pulled him to me. It was for split second I saw his shocked reaction and then a smile as I kissed him. I could feel his gentle lips, his tongue teasing my lips from within and my insides melt. He sucked on my bottom lips and I sighed. I could feel my blood rushing to my heart and instinctly I craved for more. I opened my eyes brieftly to see his closed and I closed mine again.
When I opened my eyes again ... darn, my bed
That's it. No more chic lit before bed -.-''
Posted by
8:49 PM
Labels: Fun stuff
Monday, November 24, 2008
Capricorn 魔杰座 review
This album was suppose to be out on 9th Oct but because of some idiot who leaked the song, the release date was pushed to 15th Oct, a week later which Jay had promised more freebies.
In Malaysia however, the date the album went on sale was on 21th Oct. Fine.
My album had not come ever since and I was freaking pissed about it. I been so patient, I did not download and I avoided the mvs.
Until one day I was tempted to download. That's when I knew my patience had reach its limit.
I finally gave up and went to buy an ori album from Speedy.
Exactly, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day after the album went on sale nationwide
Anyway, skip the boring part and the whole hoohaa about the album I ordered which has not yet arrived.
I'm here to give my review on Capricorn 魔杰座 , Jay's 9th album
I'll try not to be bias ok?
1. 龍戰騎士 long zhan qi shi (dragon warrior)
this was the song that inspire the cover after the magic theme had been leaked out. I do find that it is quite similiar to 黄金甲 huang jin jia (golden armor) but it has it's own tempo which I really like. It has a good beat and it's a good song to intro the album
Rate :- 3.8/5
2. 給我ㄧ首歌的時間 gei wo yi shou ge de shi jian (spare me the time of a song)
This song has the quality of a typical Jay. It is soothing to the ear and has a powerful chorus. I like chorus that hit you straight to the heart. It is one of Jay's good ballads although his voice fell high flat at 2:50 but after that, the music falls together with his voice. The video though is kinda disappointing. It does not reflect the song.
Rate :- 4.5/5
3. 蛇舞 she wu (snake dance)
At first listen, this song is really annoying but when the second time comes around, it made you wanna dance. It has the Egyptian theme to it and Lara (from Nan Quan Mama) made the song sound sexier. It does remind me of 本草纲目ban cao gang mu (a herbalist manual). You can totally do a strip dance with his song! The dance in the video is performed very naturally, they look hot together!
Rate :- 3.8/5
4. 花海 hua hai (ocean of flower)
You can hear Jay strain in this song and some might say his vocal is not strong. I admin, he is not the best singer around but vocal aside, I could feel the song. It's one of those ballads which has a down tone and the hit point in this song is the chorus. The high notes Jay hit basically made the song sound emotional. It does have the same ending music with 白色风车 bai se feng che (white windmill) where his voice drop.
Rate :- 4/5
5. 魔術先生 mo shu xian sheng (mr magic)
The conversation in the beginning have no effect on me, I was already taken away by it when I first heard 扯 che (nonsensical). This song has the comedic feel, just like 牛仔很忙 niu zai hen mang (cowboy is busy). I don't quite like the cowboy call in the background but the line 'bu yong ma fan le' was bearable. I quite like the idea of Jay putting on a show in the video but lucky girl gets to lie in the case with him.
Rate :- 3.7/5
6. 說好的幸福呢 shuo hao de xing fu ne (where is the promised happiness?)
The fact that I have this song as my caller ringtone on my phone is enough said. This is definitely the best ballad in this album. The lyrics are easy and the emotions are in the right place. Some might get annoyed with the repeation of the word 'le' but when you sing it, it doesn't sound so bad. I love singing this song and I think it is a step ahead of 彩虹 cai hong (rainbow). The downside is only the video which does not reflect the song.
Rate :- 4.8/5
7. 蘭亭序 lan ting xu (preface to the orchid pavillion)
The zhong guo feng (Chinese traditional music) in this album. Although it does make me listen up, it did not hit on the heart like how 发如雪 fa ru xue (hair like snow) did. I like how complicated the lyrics is, how poetic it is. I especially like this line :-
若花怨蝶 你會怨著誰
ruo hua yuan die ni hui yuan zhe shui
If the flower resents the butterfly, who will you resent?
It is thought provoking and I like the video too. Clean and white with calligraphy.
Rate :- 4.3/5
8. 流浪詩人 liu lang shi ren (wandering poet)
This is not my fave type of music, the jazzy bluesy music. It is an interesting collabration with Gary though and I like how half of this song is in Taiwanese Hokkien. Not a big fan of the song though.
Rate :- 3.4/5
9. 時光機 shi guang ji (time machine)
Ahh .. the Doreamon song. How I could relate to this song. To those who wonder what is this about, if you watch Doreamon they had a drawer where the time machine is located. Just a simple happy go lucky love song. I cannot compare to 簡單愛 jian dan ai (simple love) though. Both are so sweet in their own way. This is one of the song that would put a smile on your face. The video however do consist of the characters from the Doreamon series.
Rate :- 4.3/5
10. 喬克叔叔 qiao ke shu shu (uncle joker)
First of all, I'm freaked out by all the laughing and the carnival feel, I'm afraid of clowns you see. This song is similiar to track 5 but it has a mystery feel to it. Don't quite like the 'ah ah ya yo' part. Made my imagination shifted from mystery to just cheesy or at a barn dance. The video does consist of Jay rubbing between two chicks, which is so not relevant to the video >:( . Plus the final laugh just sounds too evil!
Rate :- 3.8/5
11. 稻香 dao xiang (paddy fragrance)
First single of this album. This song goes under the category of 'teaching' songs from Jay. It gives a very peaceful feeling and makes you appreciate more of the things you have. When I first heard it, it made me appreciate Jay :) . The song was released right on time, when I was in a down mood. I also liked the pause in the middle of the song. The video brings out the atmosphere of the song too. I love the chorus which starts with this line :-
#所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了
suo wei de na kuai le chi jiao zai tian li zhui qing ting zhui dao lei le
What is happiness? It's chasing dragonflies in the fields barefooted till we're exhausted
Rate :- 4/5
Oh dear, I hope my review is ok but hey, that is my opinion. Is it worth it to pick up a copy of his album? Hey, I did the review, you do the decision !
Go buy the original one !
I can't quite pinpoint my fave Jay album because there are some songs which took my breath away, some are just ok ok and some I would skip.
My rating for this album :- 4/5
Posted by
6:02 PM
Labels: Review